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93. Zhang Y, Geng H, Cai S, Pan B. Tan DEM-X preserves the relationship between hilltop curvature and erosion rate in

   the Qilian Shan. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2023, 128(9): e2023JF007118.

92. Pan B, Li X, Hu Z, et al. Channel migration in the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau and its implication 

   for fluvial response to the interaction between rapid tectonic activity, climatic fluctuation and human influence.

   Quaternary Science Reviews, 2023, 310: 108126.

91. Pan B, Guan W, Shi M, et al. Different characteristics of two surges in Weigeledangxiong Glacier, northeastern 

   Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Research Letters, 2022, 17(11): 114009.

90. Guan W, Cao B, Pan B, et al. Updated surge-type glacier inventory in the West Kunlun Mountains, Tibetan Plateau, 

   and implications for glacier change. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2022, 127(1): e2021JF006369.

89. Tian L, Zhang B, Chen S, Wang X, Ma X, Pan B. LargeScale Afforestation Enhances Precipitation by Intensifying the

   Atmospheric Water Cycle Over the Chinese Loess Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2022, 127

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88. Wen Z, Chen D, Guo L, Pan B, Hu X, Li Q, Ji X, Jiaming Yang. Response of terrace deposit thickness to climate 

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87. Geng, H., Cai, S., Lü, H., Pan, B. (2022). How can a youthful mountain survive in a foreland setting?-Constraining

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86. Pan B, Guan W, Shi M, et al. Different characteristics of two surges in Weigeledangxiong Glacier, northeastern 

   Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Research Letters, 2022, 17(11): 114009.

85. Pan B, Zhao Q, Hu X, et al. Uplift and Expansion of the North Qilian Shan Recorded by Detrital Fission Tracks in 

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84. Dong Z, Pan B, Hu Z, et al. Evaluation of the Fluvial Response to Tectonic Uplift From Grain-Size Distribution in 

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83. Pan B, Cai S, Geng H. Numerical simulation of landscape evolution and mountain uplift history constrain—A case 

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82. Hu, X., Cao, X., Li, T., Mao, J., Zhang, J., He, X., Zhang, Y. n., and Pan, B., 2021, Late Quaternary Fault Slip 

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81. Gao, P., Nie, J., Yan, Q., Zhang, X., Liu, Q., Cao, B., and Pan, B., 2021, Millennial Resolution Late Miocene 

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80. Cao X, Hu X, Pan B, et al. Using fluvial terraces as distributed deformation offset markers: Implications for 

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79. Cao, B.; Guan, W.; Li, K.; Wen, Z.; Han, H.; Pan, B. Area and Mass Changes of Glaciers in the West Kunlun Mountains

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78. Hu X, Chen D, Pan B, et al. Sedimentary evolution of the foreland basin in the NE Tibetan Plateau and the growth of

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77. Hu, Z., Li, M., Dong, Z., Guo, L., Bridgland, D., Pan, B., Li, X., and Liu, X., 2019, Fluvial entrenchment and 

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76. Cao X, Hu X, Pan B, et al. A fluvial record of fault-propagation folding along the northern Qilian Shan front, NE 

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75. Cao B, Pan B, Wen Z, et al. Changes in glacier mass in the Lenglongling Mountains from 1972 to 2016 based on remote

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74. Cao B, Pan B, Guan W, et al. Changes in glacier volume on Mt. Gongga, southeastern Tibetan Plateau, based on the an

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73. Li Q, Pan B, Gao H, et al. Differential rock uplift along the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau inferred 

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72. Hu Z B, Pan B T, Bridgland D, et al. The linking of the upper-middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River as a 

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71. Gao, H., Li, Z., Liu, X., Pan, B., Wu, Y., and Liu, F., 2017, Fluvial terraces and their implications for Weihe 

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70. Cao B, Pan B, Cai M, et al. An investigation on changes in glacier mass balance and hypsometry for a small 

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69. Hu Z, Pan B, Guo L, et al. Rapid fluvial incision and headward erosion by the Yellow River along the Jinshaan gorge

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68. Pan B, Pang H, Gao H, et al. Heavy-mineral analysis and provenance of Yellow River sediments around the China Loess

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67. Pan B, Chen D, Hu X, et al. Drainage evolution of the Heihe River in western Hexi Corridor, China, derived from 

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66. Pan B, Pang H, Zhang D, et al. Sediment grain-size characteristics and its source implication in the Ningxia-Inner

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65. Pan B, Li Q, Hu X, et al. Bedrock channels response to differential rock uplift in eastern Qilian Mountain along 

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64. Zhang G, Pan B, Cao B, et al. Elevation changes measured during 1966–2010 on the monsoonal temperate glaciers' 

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63. Pan B, Guan Q, Liu Z, et al. Analysis of channel evolution characteristics in the Hobq Desert reach of the Yellow 

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62. Geng H, Pan B, Milledge D G, et al. Quantifying sheet wash erosion rates in a mountainous semiarid basin using 

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60. Pan B, Guan Q, Gao H, et al. The origin and sources of loesslike sediment in the Jinsha River Valley, SW China. 

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59. Pan B, Hu X, Gao H, et al. Late Quaternary river incision rates and rock uplift pattern of the eastern Qilian Shan

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57. Guan Q, Pan B, Yang J, et al. The processes and mechanisms of severe sandstorm development in the eastern Hexi 

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56. Pan B, Hu Z, Wang J, et al. The approximate age of the planation surface and the incision of the Yellow River. 

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55. Pan B, Cao B, Wang J, et al. Glacier variations in response to climate change from 1972 to 2007 in the western 

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54. Pan B, Zhang G L, Wang J, et al. Glacier changes from 1966–2009 in the Gongga Mountains, on the south-eastern 

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53. Pan B, Hu Z, Wang J, et al. A magnetostratigraphic record of landscape development in the eastern Ordos Plateau, 

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51. Qingyu G, Pan B, Na L, et al. A warming interval during the MIS 5a/4 transition in two high-resolution loess 

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50. Yu G Q, Pan B, Na L, et al. Pattern of abrupt climatic fluctuation in the East Asian Monsoon during the Last

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49. Pan B, Geng H, Hu X, et al. The topographic controls on the decadal-scale erosion rates in Qilian Shan Mountains, 

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48. 高阳,蔡顺,潘保田,熊巨华.地貌学领域自然科学基金项目申请资助、研究范式与启示.科学通报

47. 洪洋,耿豪鹏,潘保田.寒冻风化控制的祁连山风化碎屑的空间分布.冰川冻土,2022,44(04):1347-1356.

46. 潘保田,郭明宙,乔振峰.创新高等理科教育 提高人才培养能力.高等理科教育,2021(05):1-7.

45. 潘保田,曹泊,管伟瑾.20102020年祁连山东段冷龙岭宁缠河1号冰川变化综合观测研究.冰川冻土,2021,43(03):864-873.

44. 秦大河,姚檀栋,周尚哲,陈发虎,潘保田,康世昌.李吉均先生纪念专刊·编者按.冰川冻土,2021,43(03):681-682.

43. 潘保田,胡振波.黄河中游响应气候变化和地表相对抬升发育阶地研究.冰川冻土,2021,43(03):853-863.

42. 樊云龙,潘保田,胡振波,任大银,陈起伟,刘芬良,李宗盟.云贵高原北盘江流域构造地貌特征分析.地球科学进展,2018,33(07):751-76


41. 高红山,李宗盟,刘小丰,潘保田,吴雅婕,刘芬良.三阳川盆地渭河阶地发育与河谷地貌演化.中国科学:地球科学,2017,47(02):191-20


40. 潘保田.完善治理结构 加快现代大学制度建设步伐.世界教育信息,2014,27(01):69-70.

39. 吉亚鹏,高红山,潘保田,李宗盟,管东升,杜功元.渭河上游流域河长坡降指标SL参数与Hack剖面的新构造意义.3200威尼斯vip学报(自然科


38. 曹泊,潘保田,高红山,姜少飞,温煜华,上官冬辉.1972-2007年祁连山东段冷龙岭现代冰川变化研究.冰川冻土,2010,32(02):242-248.

37. 耿豪鹏,潘保田,王超,黄波.基于GISUSLE的榆中县土壤侵蚀.3200威尼斯vip学报(自然科学版),2009,45(06):8-13.

36. 李琼, 潘保田, 程维明. 基于RSGIS1:100万数字地貌制图方法——以兰州幅(J48)为例. 3200威尼斯vip学报:自然科学版, 2009


35. 管清玉,潘保田,徐树建,邬光剑,李娜,赵明,徐先英,潘俊斌.腾格里沙漠南部(河西走廊东段)沙尘暴代用指标初探.自然科学进展,


34. 刘锋,潘保田,苏怀.兰州地区黄河第五级小沙沟阶地古地磁年代研究.中国沙漠,2008(05):821-826.

33. 胡小飞,潘保田.磷灰石(U-Th)/He热年代学方法及其在地貌演化研究中的应用.原子能科学技术,2008(07):662-664.

32. 潘保田,李万里,徐鹏彬.以科技创新提升高校科研水平——3200威尼斯vip科研实践的思考.研究与发展管理,2008(02):118-121.

31. 褚娜娜,潘保田,王均平,胡振波,苏怀,周天,胡小飞.汾渭盆地黄土剖面0.9Ma前后的粒度突变及其环境意义.中国沙漠,2008(01):50-


30. 潘保田,刘小丰,高红山,王勇,李吉均.渭河上游陇西段河流阶地的形成时代及其成因.自然科学进展,2007(08):1063-1068.

29. 刘小丰,潘保田,高红山,王勇,张慧,王均平.渭河河流沉积物对气候变化的响应分析.干旱区资源与环境,2007(05):6-9.

28. 刘小丰,潘保田,高红山,王勇,王均平,张慧,胡春生.渭河L9时期(0.87~0.94Ma)古洪水事件的特征研究.干旱区地理,2007(02):


27. 潘保田,苏怀,刘小丰,胡小飞,周天,胡春生,李吉均.兰州东盆地最近1.2Ma的黄河阶地序列与形成原因.第四纪研究,2007(02):


26. 李琼,潘保田,高红山,徐树建.腾格里沙漠南缘末次冰盛期以来沙漠演化与气候变化.中国沙漠,2006(06):875-879.

25. 潘保田,苏怀,胡春生,胡小飞,周天,李吉均.兰州地区10Ma黄河阶地的发现和08Ma阶地形成时代的重新厘定.自然科学进展,2006


24. 潘保田,王均平,高红山,陈莹莹,李吉均,刘小丰.从三门峡黄河阶地的年代看黄河何时东流入海.自然科学进展,2005(06):700-705.

23. 高红山,潘保田,邬光剑,李吉均,李炳元,Douglas Burbank,业渝光.祁连山东段河流阶地的形成时代与机制探讨.地理科学,2005(02):


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